Figuring heavily into the “You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up”
category, Stevenson University has issued a letter apologizing to students for
serving a Mexican buffet on an “Intergalactic” theme night. Apparently the
university received several complaints from students who felt the choices was
(gads!) racist due to the association between aliens and undocumented Mexican
immigrants. Apparently, it’s not only taboo to say “illegal alien” on
California campuses, but now the system is taking down the words one at a time.
I can almost feel the thought police right now, reaching out for my Sigourney
Weaver DVD set…
I was torn at first which action was more ridiculous (and I
mean that in the most literal way possible), the fact that some (presumably)
adult college students contacted the administration with the complaint, or that
the administration was so complete in their apology and desire to “improve.”
The situation resolved itself quickly as I waded through a few details. By
promising that she is “committed to ensuring that student life staff receive
the training necessary to make sure that this type of incident does not happen
again at Stevenson,” Dr. Golz of the college administration wins, hands down
(don’t shoot?).
Along with a sufficient amount of bowing and scraping, the
doctor promises more training on “cultural competency,” presumably a close
relative of “diversity,” or perhaps “sensitivity.” At a time when college costs
continue to rise, and valuable faculty and classes are being eliminated, it is
notable that the university system of California has a seemingly endless supply
of cash to throw forward any time a ruckus involving race or gender issues are
mentioned. I suppose that it’s understandable that USC students tend to
identify with illegal aliens (yes, I wrote it!) Considering the debt they are
likely to be graduating with, and their chances of making a decent living with
their degree of choice, the students and the immigrants will most likely have similar
Of all of the sad and regrettable things mentioned, both in
the complaints and the response, the one I found most lamentable was the use of
the word “ensuring.” I find it lamentable, and ridiculous, because the doctor
can “ensure” nothing. She cannot because she is not facing a complaint based in
logic or reason, or even a modicum of common sense.
The issue here is not offense given. The issue is offense taken.
It does not spring from any form of thought or maturity, but from a well of
self-indulgent outrage. And one thing that is becoming increasingly clear as
time passes is that well has no bottom, that source will never run dry. Those
feeling entitled will vent this rage at their leisure, in any situation, in
impossible quantities, and they will continue to do this as long as their
demands continue to be me. And since there is little evidence that any college
administration is willing to take on these post-adolescent despots, the outrage
will continue for the foreseeable future. But there is still hope, at least for
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